Streptavidin-Biotin Systems 594
Representative Elisa/Clia Techniques 595
Modified Vdrl Reagent Trepolipin® 610
Toluidine Red Unheated Serum Test for Rapid
Serodiagnosis of Syphilis Redgen® 613
Latex Slide Test for Vdrl Syphfinal 615
Rapid Plasma Reagin (Rpr) Card Test/Carbon
Antigen for Syphilis Testing (Carbogen) 618
One-step Test for Syphilis: Dipstick
One-step Test for Syphilis (Device)
Third Generation Double Antigen Sandwich
Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
(Elisa) for the Detection of Antibodies to
Serum or Plasma Trepolisa 3.0 624
Tests for Typhoid/Enteric Fever Widal
Antigen Set/Antigens for Tube Tests
Widal Antigen Set/Antigens for Slide
Reduced Widal Antigen Set: O and H
for Tube Tests (Vital Widal) 630
Positive Control for Widal Test 631
Rapid Test for Detection Igm Antibodies to
S. typhi in Serum/Plasma/Whole Blood
Slide and Tube Test for Detection of Antibodies
to Brucella Abortus/Melitensis Brucel
Slide Screening Test for Brucella Antibodies
Brucellosis Positive Control 638
Rapid Test for Igm and Igg Antibodies
Test for Infectious Mononucleosis
Rapid Test for Igm Antibodies to Leptospira:
Leptospirosis (Leptochek-Wb) (Device) 645
Rapid Test for Malaria Pan/Pv/Pf
Slide Test for C-reactive Protein (Rhelax
Slide Test for Antistreptolysin O (Rhelax
Slide Test for Rheumatoid Factors
Slide Test for Anti-deoxyribonucleoprotein
One-Step Test for Hbsag Virucheck Device 664
Rapid Test for Simultaneous/Differential
Detection of total Antibodies to Hiv1 and Hiv-2 in Human Serum/Plasma
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