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Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Liquid Handling Systems 591

Streptavidin-Biotin Systems 594

Representative Elisa/Clia Techniques 595

Examples of Detailed Elisa

Methods 597

Tests for Syphilis 608

Modified Vdrl Reagent Trepolipin® 610

Toluidine Red Unheated Serum Test for Rapid

Serodiagnosis of Syphilis Redgen® 613

Latex Slide Test for Vdrl Syphfinal 615

Rapid Plasma Reagin (Rpr) Card Test/Carbon

Antigen for Syphilis Testing (Carbogen) 618

One-step Test for Syphilis: Dipstick

Syphicheck® 621

One-step Test for Syphilis (Device)

Syphicheck 622

Third Generation Double Antigen Sandwich

Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay

(Elisa) for the Detection of Antibodies to

Treponema Pallidum in Human

Serum or Plasma Trepolisa 3.0 624

Tests for Typhoid/Enteric Fever Widal

Antigen Set/Antigens for Tube Tests

(Typhochek) 624

Widal Antigen Set/Antigens for Slide

and Tube Tests (Tydal)® 627

Reduced Widal Antigen Set: O and H

for Tube Tests (Vital Widal) 630

Positive Control for Widal Test 631

Rapid Test for Detection Igm Antibodies to

S. typhi in Serum/Plasma/Whole Blood

(Device) Enterocheck – Wb 632

Slide and Tube Test for Detection of Antibodies

to Brucella Abortus/Melitensis Brucel

A/M 635

Slide Screening Test for Brucella Antibodies


® 636

Brucellosis Positive Control 638

Rapid Test for Igm and Igg Antibodies

to Dengue Virus: Dengue Fever

(Denguecheck-Wb) (Device) 639

Test for Infectious Mononucleosis

(Immutex) 643

Rapid Test for Igm Antibodies to Leptospira:

Leptospirosis (Leptochek-Wb) (Device) 645

Rapid Test for Malaria Pan/Pv/Pf

(Paramax-3®) (Device) 647

Slide Test for C-reactive Protein (Rhelax

Crp) 650

Slide Test for Antistreptolysin O (Rhelax

Aso®) 653

Slide Test for Rheumatoid Factors

(Rhelax Rf) 656

Slide Test for Anti-deoxyribonucleoprotein

(Rhelax Sle) 659

xiv Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations Australia Antigen Hbsag (Virutex Hbsag) 662

One-Step Test for Hbsag Virucheck Device 664

Hcv Flavicheck Device 665

Toxoplasma Infections 668

Rapid Immunoconcentration

Test for Hiv-1 and Hiv-2

Antibodies Flow through

Method Retroquick-Hiv 669

Rapid Test for Simultaneous/Differential

Detection of total Antibodies to Hiv1 and Hiv-2 in Human Serum/Plasma

Retroscreen 671

Tuberculosis 673

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