Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
S. Spencer Topp, MD
Assistant Professor
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Florida Health Science Center-Jacksonville
Jacksonville, Florida
Brandon C. Tudor, MD
Private Practice
Everett, Washington
Katrina R. Wade, MD, FAAEM, FAAP
Associate Professor
Department of Surgery, Emergency Medicine Division
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Department of Pediatrics
Saint Louis University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri
David A. Wald, DO
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Medical Director, William Maul Measey Institute for Clinical
Simulation and Patient Safety
Temple University School of Medicine
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Joseph Walline, MD
Assistant Professor
Department of Surgery, Division of Emergency Medicine
Saint Louis University School of Medicine
Saint Louis, Missouri
Joseph M. Weber, MD
EMS Medical Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
Cook County (Stroger) Hospital
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Rush Medical College
Chicago, Illinois
Joanne C. Witsil, PharmD, RN, BCPS
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice
University of Illinois at Chicago
Clinical Pharmacist
Department of Emergency Medicine
Cook County (Stroger) Hospital
Chicago, Illinois
Kathleen A. Wittels, MD
Instructor in Medicine
Department of Emergency Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Associate Clerkship Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
Lynne M. Yancey, MD, FACEP
Associate Professor
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Denver, Colorado
Attending Physician
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Colorado Hospital
Aurora, Colorado
Leslie S. Zun, MD
Emergency Medicine
Chicago Medical School
Emergency Medicine
Mount Sinai Hospital
Chicago, Illinois
We wrote this book because we remember our own experiences as medical students and junior residents working in the
emergency department (ED). The ED is a unique environment that requires knowledge and skills often not covered in
medical or physician assistant school. In this book, we attempt to create a resource for the medical student, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, and junior-level resident to use to get a grasp on the issues and scope of problems that they will
confront while working in the ED.
The book's length and format are designed to allow the student and practitioner to begin to digest the broad range of
topics inherent to emergency medicine (EM). Each chapter begins with a section on Key Points, followed by an
Introduction, Clinical Presentation (History and Physical Examination), Diagnostic Studies, Medical Decision Making,
Treatment, and Disposition. Whenever possible, we tried to give practical information regarding drug dosing, medical
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