patient dentures, significant loose teeth, and any oral debris.
Inflate the balloon to check for leaks and insert a stylet.
Uncuffed ETTs have been historically preferred in patients
younger than 8 years of age as the narrowest portion of
their airways lies inferior to the vocal cords at the level of
the cricoid ring. That said, most practitioners now prefer
cuffed ETTs for all patients. To determine the appropriate
size of the ETT in pediatric patients, either use the formula
Size = (Age/4) + 4 for uncuffed tubes or (Age/4) + 3 for the
cuffed variety, or use a tube that is equal in diameter to the
Check the light on your laryngoscope blade to ensure
that it works. Laryngoscope blades range in size from 0-4
and come in 2 major varieties. The Macintosh blade is
curved in shape and meant to indirectly lift the epiglottis
away from the vocal cords. It is also designed with a special
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